For the latest updates, see the publications list in the following ECTM link and on Google Scholar.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Liao, Z., Zoumhani, O., & Boutry, C. M. (2023). Recent Advances in Magnetic Polymer Composites for BioMEMS: A Review. Materials, 16(10), 3802. Article featured as Front Page Journal Cover. Awarded as “Editor’s Choice Article”
- Sethi, S., Kovac, M., Wiesemüller, F., Miriyev, A., Boutry, C. M. “Biodegradable sensors are ready to transform autonomous ecological monitoring.” (2022). Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6(9), 1245-1247.
- C. M. Boutry, L. Beker, Y. Kaizawa, C. Vassos, A. C. Hinckley, R. Pfattner, S. Niu, J. Li, J. Claverie, Z. Wang, J. Chang, P. M. Fox, Z. Bao, “Biodegradable and flexible arterial-pulse sensor for the wireless monitoring of blood flow,” Nature Biomedical Engineering, 3, 47-57, 2019.
- C. M. Boutry, M. Negre, M. Jorda, O. Vardoulis, A. Chortos, O. Khatib, Z. Bao, “A hierarchically patterned, bio-inspired e-skin able to detect the direction of applied pressure for robotics,” Science Robotics, 3(24), eaau6914, November 2018. Article featured as Journal Cover
- C. M. Boutry, Y. Kaizawa, B. C. Schroeder, A. Chortos, A. Legrand, Z. Wang, J. Chang, P. Fox, Z. Bao, “A stretchable and biodegradable strain and pressure sensor for orthopaedic application,” Nature Electronics, 314(1), 314-21, 2018.
- C. M. Boutry, A. Nguyen, Q. Omotayo Lawal, A. Chortos, S. Rondeau-Gagné, Z. Bao, “A sensitive and biodegradable pressure sensor array for cardiovascular monitoring,” Advanced Materials, 27(43), 6954-6961, 2015. Article featured as Frontispiece Journal Cover.
- C. M. Boutry, H. Chandrahalim, P. Streit, M. Schinhammer, A. C. Hänzi, and C. Hierold, “Characterization of miniaturized RLC resonators made of biodegradable materials for wireless implant applications,” Sensors Actuat. A-Phys., vol. 189, pp. 344–355, 2013.
- C. M. Boutry, I. Gerber, P. Streit, P. Häfliger, and C. Hierold, “Electrically conducting biodegradable polymer composites (polylactide-polypyrrole and polycaprolactone-polypyrrole) for passive resonant circuits,” Polym. Eng. Sci., vol 53, pp. 1196-1208, 2013.
- C. M. Boutry, H. Chandrahalim, P. Streit, M. Schinhammer, A. C. Hänzi, and C. Hierold, “Towards biodegradable wireless implants,” Phil. trans. R. Soc. A, vol. 370, pp.2418-2432, 2012.
- C. M. Boutry, M. Müller, and C. Hierold, “Junctions between metals and blends of conducting and biodegradable polymers (PLLA-PPy and PCL-PPy),” Mater. Sci. Eng. C, vol. 32, pp.1610-1620, 2012.
- C. M. Boutry, R. Kiran, F. Umbrecht, and C. Hierold, “Processing and quantitative analysis of biodegradable polymers (PLLA and PCL) thermal bonding,” J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 20(8), pp. 085006 1-13, 2010.
- C. M. Boutry, S. Kuehn, P. Achermann, A. Romann, J. Keshvari, and N. Kuster, “Dosimetric evaluation and comparison of different RF exposure apparatuses used in human volunteer studies,” Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 29(1), pp. 11-19, 2008.
- F. Umbrecht, D. Müller, F. Gattiker, C. M. Boutry, J. Neuenschwander, U. Sennhauser, and C. Hierold, “Solvent assisted bonding of polymethylmethacrylate: Characterization using the response surface methodology,” Sens. Actuators A: Phys., vol. 156(1), pp. 121-128, 2009.
- L. Hillert, T. Akerstedt, A. Lowden, C. Wiholm, N. Kuster, S. Ebert, C. M. Boutry, S. D. Moffat, M. Berg, and B. B. Arnetz, “The effects of 884MHz GSM wireless communication signals on headache and other symptoms: An experimental provocation study,” Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 29(3), pp. 185-196, 2008.
- C. M. Boutry, Biodegradable Technologies for Organ-on-Chip. NOCI Seminar, Barvaux-sur-Ourthe, Belgium, Mar 2022.
- C. M. Boutry, Matteusz Mendel, Monika Sitko, Soft biodegradable pupil robotic tool for cataract surgery. Innosuisse Business Concept seminar, Geneva, Switzerland, Mar 2022
- C. M. Boutry, M. Negre, M. Jorda, O. Vardoulis, A. Chortos, Z. Bao, “a new bioinspired e-skin able to detect the direction of applied pressure for application in robotics,” MRS Boston 2017, oral presentation displayed in MRS summary Scientific Highlights.
- C. M. Boutry, Z. Bao “development and integration of flexible, stretchable, biodegradable materials into sensors and microsystems for biomedical applications,” NIST seminar biomedicine, Gaithersburg, USA, 2016, invited speaker.
- C. M. Boutry, Anaïs Legrand, Bob C. Schroeder, Z. Bao “Synthesis, assembly and characterization of POMaC elastomer used in biodegradable strain and pressure sensor for tendons recovery monitoring,” MRS Boston 2016 (oral presentations).
- C. M. Boutry, Z. Bao “A sensor measuring deformation & pressure, entirely biodegradable, for orthopedic applications,” BioCAS-BrainCAS 2016 (oral presentations).
- C. M. Boutry, Z. Bao “Biomedical research that contributes to society: A biodegradable strain and pressure sensor for tendons recovery monitoring,” Marie-Curie MSCA ESOF 2016 Researchers and Society, Manchester, England, 2016. (poster and oral presentations).
- C. M. Boutry, A. Legrand, Bob C. Schroeder, P. Fox, Z. Bao “A biodegradable strain and pressure sensor for tendons recovery monitoring,” E-MRS, Lille, France, 2016. (oral presentation).
- C. M. Boutry, A. Nguyen, Q. Omotayo Lawal, A. Chortos, Z. Bao “Fully biodegradable pressure sensor, viscoelastic behavior of PGS dielectric elastomer upon degradation,” IEEE SENSORS, Bushan, South Korean, 2015. (2 oral presentations). Recipient of the 2nd Best Student Paper Award.
- C. M. Boutry, Z. Bao, “Flexible Pressure sensors and towards fully biodegradable pressure sensors for application in cardiovascular monitoring and neuroprosthetics,” BioEl2015, 2nd International Winterschool on Bioelectronics, Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria, 2015. (oral presentation)
- C. M. Boutry, R. Wang, J. Jin, “Biodegradable conducting polymers for wireless implants and other conducting polymer based lifestyle applications”, in Proc. BIT’s 2nd Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials, Suzhou, China, 2013. (oral presentation, invited speaker)
- C. M. Boutry, I. Gerber, P. Streit, P. Häfliger, and C. Hierold, “Electrically conducting biodegradable polymer composites (PLLA-PPy and PCL-PPy) for wireless resorbable implants,” Sino-French workshop on nanostructured polymers and nanohybrides, Shanghai, China, 2013. (invited poster/oral presentation)
- C. M. Boutry, H. Chandrahalim, and C. Hierold, “RF conductivity of biodegradable conductive polymers used for a new generation of partially/fully resorbable wireless implantable sensors,” in Proc. MEMS, Paris, France, 2012. (poster presentation)
- C. M. Boutry, H. Chandrahalim, and C. Hierold, “Characterization of RF resonators made of biodegradable materials for biosensing applications,” in Proc. Eurosensors, Greece, Athens, 2011. (oral presentation)
- C. M. Boutry and C. Hierold, “Chemical, mechanical and viscoelastic properties of biodegradable polymers (PLLA & PCL) upon degradation for packaging application,” in Proc. MME, Toensberg, Norway, 2011. (oral and poster presentation). Recipient of the 2nd Best Poster Award.
- C. M. Boutry, W. Sun, T. Strunz, H. Chandrahalim, and C. Hierold, “Development and characterization of biodegradable conductive polymers for the next generation of RF bio-resonators,” in Proc. IEEE IFCS, 2010. (oral presentation)
- C. M. Boutry, R. Kiran, F. Umbrecht, and C. Hierold, “Quantitative analysis of biodegradable polymers (PLLA & PCL) thermal bonding,” in Proc. MEMS, Hong Kong, China, 2010 (oral presentation).
- C. M. Boutry, G. Balmelli, and C. Hierold, “Fabrication process, annealing and sterilization of biodegradable polymers for bioelectronic and bioMEMs applications,” in Proc. MME, Toulouse, France, 2009. (oral and poster pres.)
- C. M. Boutry, and C. Hierold, “Evaluation and applications of conductive biodegradable polymers,” MRC Graduate Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland, 2009. (poster presentation)
- F. Gattiker, J. Neuenschwander, U. Sennhauser, F. Umbrecht, C. M. Boutry, and C. Hierold, “Wireless implantable passive strain sensor (WIPSS),” DACH, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2008.
- F. Umbrecht, C. M. Boutry, C. Hierold, F. Gattiker, J. Neuenschwander, and U. Sennhauser, “Wireless Implantable Passive Strain Sensor (WIPSS),” Industry day, Zurich, Switzerland, 2008.
- F. Umbrecht, D. Müller, C. M. Boutry, C. Hierold, F. Gattiker, J. Neuenschwander, and U. Sennhauser, “Solvent assisted bonding of polymethylmethacrylate: Characterization using the response surface methodology,” in Proc. Eurosensors, Dresden, Germany, 2008.
- C. M. Boutry, A. Romann, S. Kuehn, N. Nikoloski, J. Keshvari, and N. Kuster, “Dosimetric evaluation and comparison of different exposure setups used in provocation studies,” in Proc. ACES, Verona, Italy, 2007. (poster presentation)
- L. Hillert, T. Akerstedt, A. Lowden, C. Wiholm, N. Kuster, S. Ebert, C. M. Boutry, and B. B. Arnetz, “Effects of a 900 MHz GSM exposure on self reported symptoms and blood chemistry, and experimental provocation study,” in Proc. IEEE BEMS, Kanazawa, Japan, 2007.
- C. M. Boutry, A. Romann, U. Lott, and N. Kuster, “B-field exposure from induction cooking appliances,” in Proc. IEEE BEMS, Cancún, Mexico, 2006. (poster presentation). Recipient of the C. Johnson Award for Best Student Poster.
C. M. Boutry, TU Delft Technology Fellowship, 2017.
C. M. Boutry, Z. Bao. Swiss SNSF Postdoc mobility grant No. P2EZP2_152118, 2014.
C. M. Boutry, Z. Bao, S. Lacour. Marie Curie European IOF grant No. 622362 “NERVE-REPAIR”, 2015.
Press articles
- Sethi, S. “Acoustic biodiversity monitoring with hopping robots.” Acoustics Bulletin March/April 2025.
M. Woo, “Teaching robots to touch”, Nature Outlook, 26 May 2022.
T. Kubota, “Researchers create wireless, battery-free, biodegradable blood flow sensor”, Stanford News Center, 9 January 2019.
A. Gautam, “Biodegradable pressure sensor eliminates the need for second surgery”, Biomedical devices, PhysicsWorld, 21 May 2018.
A. Chen, “How sensors are giving us another way to peek inside our bodies. Scientists have engineered sensors that can be swallowed and sensors that disappear”, 25 May 2018.
T. Abate, “A robot’s delicate touch – Stanford develops an electronic glove that gives robots a sense of touch.” Stanford News, 21 November 2018.
Official report
C. M. Boutry, A. Romann, U. Lott, and N. Kuster, “B-field exposure from induction cooking appliances,” Study for the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (BAG), 2007.
- Liao, Z., Zoumhani, O., & Boutry, C. M. (2023). Recent Advances in Magnetic Polymer Composites for BioMEMS: A Review. Materials, 16(10), 3802. Article featured as Front Page Journal Cover.
- Sethi, S., Kovac, M., Wiesemüller, F., Miriyev, A., Boutry, C. M. “Biodegradable sensors are ready to transform autonomous ecological monitoring.” (2022). Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6(9), 1245-1247.
- C. M. Boutry, L. Beker, Y. Kaizawa, C. Vassos, A. C. Hinckley, R. Pfattner, S. Niu, J. Li, J. Claverie, Z. Wang, J. Chang, P. M. Fox, Z. Bao, “Biodegradable and flexible arterial-pulse sensor for the wireless monitoring of blood flow,” Nature Biomedical Engineering, 3, 47-57, 2019.
- C. M. Boutry, M. Negre, M. Jorda, O. Vardoulis, A. Chortos, O. Khatib, Z. Bao, “A hierarchically patterned, bio-inspired e-skin able to detect the direction of applied pressure for robotics,” Science Robotics, 3(24), eaau6914, November 2018. Article featured as Journal Cover
- C. M. Boutry, Y. Kaizawa, B. C. Schroeder, A. Chortos, A. Legrand, Z. Wang, J. Chang, P. Fox, Z. Bao, “A stretchable and biodegradable strain and pressure sensor for orthopaedic application,” Nature Electronics, 314(1), 314-21, 2018.
- C. M. Boutry, A. Nguyen, Q. Omotayo Lawal, A. Chortos, S. Rondeau-Gagné, Z. Bao, “A sensitive and biodegradable pressure sensor array for cardiovascular monitoring,” Advanced Materials, 27(43), 6954-6961, 2015. Article featured as Frontispiece Journal Cover.
- C. M. Boutry, H. Chandrahalim, P. Streit, M. Schinhammer, A. C. Hänzi, and C. Hierold, “Characterization of miniaturized RLC resonators made of biodegradable materials for wireless implant applications,” Sensors Actuat. A-Phys., vol. 189, pp. 344–355, 2013.
- C. M. Boutry, I. Gerber, P. Streit, P. Häfliger, and C. Hierold, “Electrically conducting biodegradable polymer composites (polylactide-polypyrrole and polycaprolactone-polypyrrole) for passive resonant circuits,” Polym. Eng. Sci., vol 53, pp. 1196-1208, 2013.
- C. M. Boutry, H. Chandrahalim, P. Streit, M. Schinhammer, A. C. Hänzi, and C. Hierold, “Towards biodegradable wireless implants,” Phil. trans. R. Soc. A, vol. 370, pp.2418-2432, 2012.
- C. M. Boutry, M. Müller, and C. Hierold, “Junctions between metals and blends of conducting and biodegradable polymers (PLLA-PPy and PCL-PPy),” Mater. Sci. Eng. C, vol. 32, pp.1610-1620, 2012.
- C. M. Boutry, R. Kiran, F. Umbrecht, and C. Hierold, “Processing and quantitative analysis of biodegradable polymers (PLLA and PCL) thermal bonding,” J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 20(8), pp. 085006 1-13, 2010.
- C. M. Boutry, S. Kuehn, P. Achermann, A. Romann, J. Keshvari, and N. Kuster, “Dosimetric evaluation and comparison of different RF exposure apparatuses used in human volunteer studies,” Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 29(1), pp. 11-19, 2008.
- F. Umbrecht, D. Müller, F. Gattiker, C. M. Boutry, J. Neuenschwander, U. Sennhauser, and C. Hierold, “Solvent assisted bonding of polymethylmethacrylate: Characterization using the response surface methodology,” Sens. Actuators A: Phys., vol. 156(1), pp. 121-128, 2009.
- L. Hillert, T. Akerstedt, A. Lowden, C. Wiholm, N. Kuster, S. Ebert, C. M. Boutry, S. D. Moffat, M. Berg, and B. B. Arnetz, “The effects of 884MHz GSM wireless communication signals on headache and other symptoms: An experimental provocation study,” Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 29(3), pp. 185-196, 2008.
For the latest updates, see the publications list in the following ECTM link and on Google Scholar.
For the latest updates, see the publications list in the following ECTM link and on Google Scholar.